Loan Services
Personal Loans
Life sometimes moves pretty fast and can catch you unprepared. When you need extra funds, speak to a friendly loan officer at Bluegrass Community Bank. Whether an addition to the family (new baby), or any type of event that leaves you short of cash, we will work with you to design a personal loan to fit your needs and budget.
- Auto Loans - new or used vehicles
- Personal Loans
- Recreational Vehicles
- Water craft Loans
Residential Loans
Whether your goal is to simplify your finances, buy a home, remodel your home or build your dream home Bluegrass Community Bank can create a mortgage plan to help your dreams come true. Our experienced loan staff has the resources available to assist you in meeting your families housing needs with a mortgage plan that fits your budget. We offer competitive rates and terms on the following mortgage products.
- Adjustable Rate Mortgages
- Fixed Rate Mortgages
- Vacation/Second Home Loans
- Home Construction Loans
- Land Acquisition Loans
- Home Improvement Loans
- Home Equity Lines of Credit
National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) & Registry
Bluegrass Community Bank Bank ID #408452
Douglas W. Ayers, President & CEO MLO #796585
Michael R. Graves, Chief Lending Officer MLO #796586
Adam J. Gray, Assistant Vice President MLO #1091712
Ronda D. Nolan, Compliance Officer MLO #796587
Business Funding & Loans
We have the experience and knowledge to help you expand you business. Our loan officers have many years of experience in working with Agriculture and Commercial Loans. We have premier relationships with business funding companies like Entrust MCA and Green Merchant Advance. We would like the opportunity to review your plans and assist your farm or business achieve your goals. Stop by Bluegrass Community Bank and discover the advantages of working with a hometown community bank.
Agriculture and Commercial Loans
- Farm and Commercial Real Estate
- Investment Property
- Operating Lines of Credit
- Livestock
- Equipment
- Inventory
- Letters of Credit